WooCommerce: Only Ship to Predefined “Local Pickup” Addresses

 Woo 2.6 introduced Shipping Zones – and with that, we can play with simple PHP (and JQuery) to accomplish lots of “advanced” shipping rules, such as local pickup.

This time, I’ve tested a snippet to add a dropdown to the billing section where users go choose the pickup destination. As a result, the shipping address is automatically populated, and so is the shipping method. What do you think?

1. Advanced Local Pickup – Shipping Zones/Methods Setup

The very first thing you need to do is setup the WooCommerce shipping zones. In this case, each zone will correspond to a Local Pickup Address (e.g. shop #1, shop #2, etc).

In the following example, I’ve added 2 “zones/shops”in Australia, state = “Australian Capital Territory” and 2 specific postcodes.

Each zone has its unique a shipping method (Local Pickup) with cost = $0:

Advanced Local Pickup – WooCommerce Shipping Zones

2. Advanced Local Pickup – PHP/JQuery Snippet

Now that the zones are correctly setup, here comes the hard part. The following is a tested snippet that – however – requires a lot of improvements, so if you spot anything or wish to contribute leave a comment below.

 * @snippet       Advanced Local Pickup - WooCommerce
 * @how-to        Get CustomizeWoo.com FREE
 * @source        https://businessbloomer.com/?p=21534
 * @author        Rodolfo Melogli
 * @compatible    WC 3.4.2
// 1. New select field @ billing section
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'bbloomer_display_pickup_locations' );
function bbloomer_display_pickup_locations( $fields ) {
$fields['billing']['pick_up_locations'] = array(
      'type'     => 'select',
   'options'  => array(
        'option_1' => 'Select...',
   'option_2' => 'Melbourne Road Shop',
        'option_3' => 'Perth Road Shop'),
   'label'     => __('Pick Up Location', 'woocommerce'),
   'class'     => array('form-row-wide'),
       'clear'     => true
return $fields;
// 2. Field to show only when country == Australia
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_form', 'bbloomer_conditionally_hide_show_pickup', 5);
function bbloomer_conditionally_hide_show_pickup() {
   <script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery('select#billing_country').live('change', function(){
         var country = jQuery('select#billing_country').val();
         var check_country = new Array(<?php echo '"AU"'; ?>);
         if (country && jQuery.inArray( country, check_country ) >= 0) {
         } else {
            jQuery('#pick_up_locations_field input').val('');
// 3. "Ship to a different address" opened by default
add_filter( 'woocommerce_ship_to_different_address_checked', '__return_true' );
// 4. Change shipping address when local pickup location changes
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_form', 'bbloomer_checkout_update_pickup_address', 10);
function bbloomer_checkout_update_pickup_address() {
      <script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery('select#pick_up_locations').live('change', function(){
      var location = jQuery('select#pick_up_locations').val();
      if (location == 'option_2') {
      jQuery('#shipping_city_field input').val('Sidney');
      jQuery('#shipping_address_1_field input').val('Melbourne Road');
      jQuery('#shipping_postcode_field input').val('34500');
      jQuery(".shipping_address input[id^='shipping_']").prop("disabled", true);
      jQuery(".shipping_address select[id^='shipping_']").prop("disabled", true);
      } else if (location == 'option_3') {
      jQuery('#shipping_city_field input').val('Sidney');
      jQuery('#shipping_address_1_field input').val('Perth Road');
      jQuery('#shipping_postcode_field input').val('79200');
      jQuery(".shipping_address input[id^='shipping_']").prop("disabled", true);
      jQuery(".shipping_address select[id^='shipping_']").prop("disabled", true);
                } else {
      jQuery(".shipping_address input[id^='shipping_']").prop("disabled", false);
      jQuery(".shipping_address select[id^='shipping_']").prop("disabled", false);

As a result, once you select the correct local pickup address form the billing section, you should automatically get the correct shipping method in the checkout:

Advanced Local Pickup – WooCommerce Checkout

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